I tried: Crunchy Betty's Mocha-Frappuccino Mask
I found this mask recipe while researching some D.I.Y de-puffing face masks. It’s from a site called crunchybetty.com and I immediatly wanted to try it out.
Mocha-Frappuccino Mask (Coffee, Cocoa Powder, and Honey Facial Mask) Recipe
- 2 Tbsp freshly ground coffee (the finer the grind, the better)
- 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
- 3 Tbsp. milk* (whole), heavy cream, or yogurt
- 1 Tbsp. honey
*I used 35% cream since I didn’t have anything else
What I did
1- I washed my face with soap and warm water
2- I applied a thick coat of the mask on my face
3- I waited for 20 minutes
4- I exfoliated my skin before washing the mask off
5- I moisturised my face
The Results:
My face really looks less puffy, my skin is really soft and my pores do look tighter. I got the result I wanted after one try and I’m very satisfied.
My thoughts:
- You can really see your face looks less puffy even when the mask is still on
- I really like the smell even if I’m not a coffee fan (Cocoa yum !)
- Stains your face (brown orangy color)
- Kinda messy
If you try this mask and want to share the results with us, just tweet us or share it on instagram @bohemianboudoir.
Any suggestions, questions or commentaries ? Feel free to contact us !!!
-xXx- £my
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