Getting real.. Welcome to 2017 !
I'm 25 stressed, out of shape and overweight.. Welcome to 2017 !
In the last year, I was in the best shape of my life, and now I'm basically a potato with purple hair and lipstick. Literally from "Shame on my ex for leaving me !"to "I think I'm getting too comfortable in this new relationship.." There's nothing wrong to having some curves or a little "junk in the trunk" , but I feel fat, sluggish, tired, and I think it's not healthy for me to neglect my body like that.
A lot of people would say that I look fine, that I'm not fat, and that I should learn to love myself the way I am, but I don't feel good in my body. It's one thing to have to accept what's in the mirror, and that you're not "perfect" in a superficial way. I totally agree that you can be beautiful at any size, you should be proud of who you are ! But I don't like the way I feel, not just when I look at myself. I feel like I don't have enough energy, my body aches, especially my back and legs, and I never find a comfortable position to sleep anymore. I feel heavy, I feel like I deserve better. I know how it feels to be in shape, because I've been there, not to long ago.. I know the difference it make, and how much I will benefit from starting to be more disciplined again, I think I was happier before, not just because I could fit in my skinny jeans, but because I felt good in my own skin. People may think I'm vain or that I want the world to find me more attractive, be I want to make the change for myself and for the best of reason.
Looking, feeling beautiful is every women's right, no matter what their size, as long as it's healthy !
Pictures from last year before I started gaining (A lot of !) weight again.
I don't feel comfortable about posting recent pictures at the moments, but eventually I will..
I'm a big advocate of everything concerning body positivity and self love, and I encourage you to follow your bliss. If you want to join me in my journey or share your story, don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me a personal message ! Tweet us or share this post @bohemianboudoir. If you have any questions, suggestions or commentaries, be sure to contact us !!!
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